Law of Belief

Written by on December 15, 2021

If in any area of your life you are not getting results, change your beliefs.

Beliefs are nothing but an illusion of reality. Beliefs are simply repeated thoughts with strong feelings attached to them. A belief is just a repetition of words that are said with certainty. Whatever belief you give out, the Law of attraction says, you must receive back. Our beliefs are more powerful than our thoughts. Belief is a feeling of being sure that a person or thing exists or is true or trustworthy. Belief is mental in someone or something is belief. We have belief in every area of life, like religious beliefs, health-related beliefs, wealth-related beliefs, relationship beliefs, time-related beliefs, or beauty-related beliefs. Positive beliefs help us while the negative ones (Limiting belief) stops us from producing results. believe what we see, we rather see what we have already decided to believe.
80% of our beliefs come from our childhood and mostly from our parents. The balance beliefs come from repetition and impact. Any circumstances or event happening, again and again, will impact us and form a belief in our minds. We are generally driven by these beliefs.
In Jainism, the belief is to remain hungry to please God. In Eastern India, it is believed that walking on embers will please God. In many regions, the belief is to pierce their face and body to please God.
Identify your limiting belief and reprogram your subconscious mind with the corresponding positive belief. – Affirmations are the best tools to eliminate limiting beliefs. They are the filters of reality and experience. Beliefs are nothing more than our subjective interpretations of events, circumstances, and life experiences. Go to sleep with a clear command with authority to your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind has all the answers to all your challenges. You can change your belief by repetition. Repeat and repeat the thought, act again and again to form a new positive belief.

The good news about belief: No belief is true.
The bad news about belief: We believe our beliefs are true.

Three beliefs for lasting change Yes – I CAN, Yes – I WILL, Yes – I MUST.

“If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the

capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning”.

~ Mahatma Gandhi


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