How to Apply the Law of Attraction in Business

Written by on January 14, 2022

Our thoughts are powerful. Directing yours toward positive outcomes can enhance your business. Have you ever had an amazing business idea out of nowhere? You’re excited about this idea and the possibility that it holds for your business. While you’re in the flow, you start putting a plan in place to make it happen and then you receive an email from a potential client who needs exactly what you’ve been thinking about!

That is the Law of Attraction at work.

What’s the Law of Attraction and Why Should You Care?

The Law of Attraction states that which is like unto itself, is drawn.

When you say, “Birds of a feather flock together,” you are actually talking about the Law of Attraction.  When you see that people who are always talking about illness and sickness are often sick, you’re actually seeing the Law of Attraction. When you’re thinking about someone and they call or email you — you’re experiencing the Law of Attraction.

As human beings, we are highly electrically charged biological entities and the thoughts we think emit from us into our immediate environment and through the Law of Attraction, start attracting similar thoughts, people, opportunities and experiences right back to us like a beacon.

First Be, Then Do and You Will Have

The final step is the hardest for entrepreneurs and is probably the one everyone calls “wishful thinking.” Instead of calling it wishful thinking, consider it more like “allowing.”

Allowing doesn’t mean sitting back and doing nothing. Allowing means deciding on who you will be in a given circumstance. You then take actions that are consistent with that way of being, and, as a result, experience the outcome you desire.

Here is a real example that all of us deal with. One minute you’re having a great day and the next minute you get a customer complaint email. You go from being happy to being frustrated, angry and sad. In that moment, you let the customer complaint determine who you are. If you do that, your next response might be defensive or argumentative.

But if you decide that who you are being in your business is helpful, the complaint is transformed into a communication from your customer, who is clearly requesting some kind of help. And if you respond by being helpful, that person will be so blown away, they will refer you to 10 of his or her friends. BOOM! Law of Attraction at work.

3 Brand Building Questions to Turbo Charge the Law of Attraction in Your Business

There are three powerful questions that every successful brand has answered. This is not metaphysical, this is marketing rooted in the Law of Attraction, and it works. After you read these, you’ll see them expressed in every powerful and successful business and brand you see.

1- Who Are You Being?

When you think about answering this question, think about the values and beliefs that your business is founded on. There are five basic decisions beloved companies make. You can decide to be trusting, funny, enthusiastic, detail oriented, helpful, smart — the possibilities are endless.

2- What Are You Committed to

This is the clear outcome you are after for yourself and your customers. Be careful not to say that you are committed to one thing, but then take actions that show you’re committed to something else entirely different. For example, don’t say you’re committed to healthy eating and then turn around and binge out on doughnuts. Words and actions must align.

3- What Can People Count on You For

This is your brand promise. What is it that your customers love about you? What do they know they can get from you? What do you do that brings them joy?

One great thing about the Law of Attraction and how it applies to business is that it’s always at work. If you follow the principles I’ve outlined here, you’ll have a lot more fun creating the business of your dreams.

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right.” ~ Henry Ford


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