Visualization: The Ultimate How-To Guide for Goal Manifesting in 2022

Written by on January 15, 2022

Goals are the same as intentions, in that they are the starting point of any manifestation. Many people achieve their goals through the Law of Attraction, without even realizing that they are doing so. The three steps of the Law of Attraction are: Ask, Believe and Receive, and having a goal or dream is the first step to manifesting your desires. While it is easy to imagine a better life or to think up any number of goals, the second step of Believing is the key that will magnetize your desire to you.

The Importance of Setting Goals

Having a goal or dream can be an amazing motivator, both at work and home, and if you know how to set attainable goals then it will have a profound effect on how you think, live, and behave. Having a goal, to me, is like having a direction, a purpose, and a driving force. It makes you want to accomplish things for yourself. There are many things that you can get frustrated at and want to forget about when you have an unfulfilled goal but a goal allows you to break through those barriers and move on with your life. One of the biggest benefits of having goals and dreams is that you can look back on your life and see how far you have come, and that accomplishment and fulfillment can be an immense source of comfort and pride.

How to Set Goals

There are four simple steps for setting goals: Identify the Intentions – Put your intentions into words and decide what the goals will look like write them down – Make a list of your goals and then make changes and adjustments as necessary. Create a plan – Next, create a plan that is attainable and realistic. The final step of your goal-setting process is to put your actions in motion. You have to be consistent and make sure that you are constantly working towards your goals. Create a daily routine – One final point is that you have to be consistent in your habits if you are going to create a positive and strong foundation for your goals.

Coaching and Accountability

The belief that you can have whatever you want is often enough to bring it to you. This is where having a goal or dream to live by comes in, especially if it is a vision. You need someone else to believe in you and help you keep your own eyes on the prize. That way, you are motivated to make your goals your reality. A great coach or mentor can play this role. A great mentor and/or coach would give you lots of options to manifest your goal and follow-up to help you achieve it. In a business, they would help you come up with a strategic plan and when you have done so, help you set specific milestones and deadlines to see how you are doing on your way to that dream. In personal life, they would help you visualize the new life that you desire.

Final Thoughts

When we hear someone say, “I want to be”, what we are saying is, “I wish to be”. We already possess our desires. But what is the first step to success when you want something? Deciding to manifest it. From my experience, the most difficult things to get are the important goals, and the number one reason people fail at manifesting their goals is that they never chose to do it. After all, if your goal is a three-year pursuit, you are going to make some mistakes along the way. But not choosing to begin to manifest your goals will result in long-term disappointment. A goal is important because it’s the direct, almost physical form of a deep desire.


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